Portola Springs is right next to the Irvine Landfill

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<p>HI Everyone</p>

<p>Enjoyed all the great discussions, very informative, i'm looking for a new home as well, and have been looking for the last year or so, bur i made my first trip to Portola Springs last week, and noticed there's a Land Fill entrance on the otherside of the toll road ( on Protola Parkway ) </p>

<p>Please see this link:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.oclandfills.com/landfill_bowerman.asp">http://www.oclandfills.com/landfill_bowerman.asp</a></p>

<p>Pratically right next door to the million dollar homes being built in Portola Springs..</p>

<p>Anybody familiar with how this will affect people's health or just general enviroment</p>

<p>Thanks alot</p>
Woodbury is just as close to the landfill in another direction, across the field that is being bulldozed right now. That's not Woodbury East, which is on the other side of Sand Canyon. Anyone know what's going on in the North/East part of the Irvine Blvd/Sand Cyn intersection?
There are a few golf courses on old landfills with methane gas vents protruding from them. These courses have a strict "no smoking" policy for obvious reasons.

Modern landfills really aren't much of an environmental problem. They cover each days trash with a cap of dirt, and they are engineered to capture and recycle the water and methane gas. They don't tend to have odor problems. I wouldn't have a problem owning near a landfill other than the traffic from trash trucks.
And the villiage of columbus is right next to a concrete processing plant. People are still paying $1,000,000 to live next to that. In this time of reckless real estate mania, small details like this don't seem to matter.
I was playing golf at industry Hills yesterday ( for those who don;t know, its was a landfill in LA off the 60 Freeway on Azusa ) now its a golf course, and i cans till smell the gas or something smells really bad, but after couple holes, i don't smell it anymore, i guess my sense of smell got used to it. but its still there no matter how they cover it up
<p>Waste Management has a large facility right across the "waterway" from the homes on the western edge of VofC. All of those homes have a nice view of trash-trucks from their 2nd floor.</p>

<p>Hey, I'm not a housing snob -- I'll buy next to a major road, powerlines, or an industrial site. If the price is right.</p>

<p>One million dollars is not a "right" price.</p>
<p>hi did anyone clieck and see the 2500 ft fly over photo? please see below:</p>

<p> </p>

<p><img height="466" alt="Photo of Frank R. Bowerman Landfill from 2500 ft." width="409" src="http://www.oclandfills.com/images/landfills/bowerman/fly-frb.jpg" /></p>

<p> </p>

<p><strong>On the bottom right of the photo, This is exactly where Portola Springs development is located</strong></p>

<p><strong>For those who bought or plan to buy in PS, please get your health and life insurance in place</strong></p>
hardwareguy: are you telling me that the big sandy thing right in the middle of the photo is the landfill? Wow. I had no idea. I mean, I knew there was a landfill around there but had never seen an arial photo of it. Wow. This is making Orchard Hills in '09 look better and better.

<p>yes that is correct the photo is courtesy of the OC land fill web site mentioned in my first post</p>

<p>By the way where is Orchard Hills?</p>
<p>I like to ask the Sales people over there at PS about the landfill, and of course their answer will be: " not to worry, if the government alllow it to be there then it shoudl not do any harm to the human body" </p>
My husband and I noticed the landfill several months ago while driving home from the opening of the models at Portola Springs. When we got home, I googled the Bee Canyon Landfill, and, from what I understand, it is a relatively new landfill. So, there will probably be many, many years worth of garbage put into it before it becomes a golf course. Before we noticed the landfill, we had signed up to receive information from one of the builders. They called us about a week after our visit. My husband told them straight out that we would never buy near a landfill. They just said OK and didn't bother us anymore.

Orchard Hills across from Northpark on Portola. They've been building the shopping center and now it looks like they are putting up condos. I don't think they are supposed to start selling until later this year. PS -- you can also see the landfill on Google Earth (that's where my husband looked at it).

What is the "water hazards bubble"? Is there a problem with the water for Portola Springs? Is it serviced by the Irvine Ranch Water District? Do you know if there are any problems with the water in other areas of Irvine -- like Northpark?

<p>Oh, haha. That was just a joke. </p>

<p>You know how sometimes you look at a pond and there is a steady stream of bubbles coming upwards from some unknown source?</p>

<p>The joke was that the bubbling water hazards on the golf course were due to the methane gas emanating from the decomposing garbage underneath.</p>

<p>Oh, never mind.</p>
<p>Ok, now I get it. Funny.</p>

<p>Sorry, I'm just obsessed with the water quality issue lately. I saw a post by EvaLSeraphim under the discussion of the City of Irvine Zoning Map on the blog. She said she saw Stonegate on a "an AQMD or water quality notice", so I was wondering if there is something wrong with the water in the area.</p>
Water quality problems is a heated topic here in woodbridge, thanks to the El Toro toxic plume. They have had to shut down a few wells, and they NIMBY'd plans for a pump to clear the water. You can read more about it here: <a href="http://www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/IDP/index.php">www.irwd.com/WaterQuality/IDP/index.php</a>

<img alt="" src="http://lh6.google.com/_2xOHD87FEvM/RbzX_tsn0MI/AAAAAAAAAXE/Mn-xh74LLnE/s1600/TOXIC%2BPLUME.jpg" />
