A non sophisticated would be scammed by TIC for the exact reason. You are smart to take into the account the size of the land. God only made so much land and it is precious. Square Footage is cheap made by Mexicans with cheap labor. Why would you want to pay $340/sf for something that only cost $25/sf to make.
($25/sf) is what would cost the builder additionally to just pump up footage.
LAtoOC said:
irvinehomeshopper said:
Value ratio is price/total sf.
But be careful. Builders know the consumers only care about the value ratio and only sf counts therefore the builder strip out driveway, garage size, yard size, side yards, and front yard too.
IHS - can't you just divide everything price/sq ft home/lot size to normalize these things?
When we were running our own comps on various homes I did that to try and estimate lot premiums. It really makes the homes with < 5000 sq ft lots seem like horrible deals.