Portola High photos

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Actually, it looks pretty nice.  They've already mounted the whiteboards.  Seems odd to be testing soil this late in the game.

much better than than the shitty HS I went to.

I drive by it everyday and its definitely coming along.

wasn't it a retest?  I think at this point I'll give all the governing/regulatory body the benefit of the doubt. honestly if you are remotely not comfortable about it, don't buy a home zoned to this school, or move out before your kid goes to HS.
It is a retest and it is more of a favor that governor Brown is doing for Agran. That said, kids are going to be going to school here, so I'd rather be safe than sorry.  When I've driven by, the campus looks massive. 
Wow looks like they have so much work to do, can't believe it will all be done in 5 months.  Will wait and see I guess.
From the article:
"The plan for testing shows that samples will be taken at 5 and 15 feet below ground."

Looks like my plan to "sprinkle some crack on it" isn't going to work.
aquabliss said:
Wow looks like they have so much work to do, can't believe it will all be done in 5 months.  Will wait and see I guess.

If the Brasilians can pull off the Olympics, then these guys can pull off a High School. :)