Pet Millionaires: Seven Cats and Dogs Who Are Actually Richer than You

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[quote author="Anonymous" date=1243643909]<A href=""></A></blockquote>

my cat already lives the privilege life; he was set for life when he was born; he has all the food and water he will ever need for the rest of his life... He has all the companionship and social needs meet; all he has to do all day is to relax, and look pretty... I am very jealous of my cat... we tried putting him to work once by sending in some model shots but he's not show kitty quality... thinking of putting him in a couple of cat shows but never got around to it... the other day, while I was getting for work, he went and stand by the front door; "oh, going to work?" I said! he smugly walked away, he know he is lucky... darn cat?