Part of Seller Agent's Job = good MLS pictures???

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John Shaw_IHB

New member
<p>How come I always see terrible MLS listing pictures? Isn't it the Agent's job to take and post professional/good looking pictures of their propertys? Wouldn't it be to their benefit? It seems like most homes are requested to view based on the MLS pics.</p>

<p>You would think ! But then again, it gives us fodder to make fun of them. Sellers need to review an agent's listings on the MLS prior to using them as the listing agent. If the pics suck, I wouldn't touch them with a 10 ft just shows their level of professionalism...or lack thereof.</p>

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That's why you need a Realtor, to market your property to it's maximum level using their cell phone as the camera, because only a Realtor can show the potential and take pictures to maximize exposure... bleech. You wonder how hard it is to take some basic wide angle shots with good natural lighting as part of their 'marketing'. <p>

As Trooper said, I too, wouldn't touch a Realtor who couldn't even take decent pictures.
<p>Have you ever seen a picture placed 90 degrees off and you have to turn your head to look at the picture. One would think the realtor would look at the pictures to make sure they are positioned correctly and they don't have to be rotated.</p>
Ok folks we are talking about Realtards here. I'm amazed that they know how to push the right button on the camera and shocked they figured out their camera phone. But we should be nice to them because cameras are expensive and right now times are tough.
Does anyone know the answer to this ? In some realty mags, some listing photos looks as if they've been make them a little less defined, almost softer. The colors look slightly off, almost mauvish, blues disappear....makes the photos look kind of, um, fake. At first glance, they looks almost as if they are an artist's rendering. Anyone ? Are they scans ? NIR ?
<p>I actually saw one recently that was photoshop'd. It was a home in HB where it had the ocean in the background. It was so bad that if the physics were real it would mean a tsunami is about to hit your backyard. Maybe it was am Arizona agent and they were thinking the big one was coming?</p>

<p>Some of the photos that look fake are fake but some that look real but glamorous are done by pros. The pros know how to use light to make things look unreal and honestly I think some look amazing. It may never look the way it does in the picture but maybe one day the light, clouds, time and angle it could happen. </p>
<p>>>>How come I always see terrible MLS listing pictures? Isn't it the Agent's job to take and post professional/good looking pictures of their propertys? Wouldn't it be to their benefit? It seems like most homes are requested to view based on the MLS pics.<<<</p>

<p>Perhaps for the same reason some agents can't spend 0.1% of their commission on marketing? I've seen the cheapest lowest quality black & white flyers outside $1M+ homes. Maybe just maybe it has something to do with the job application - "Sell Homes, Make 3%, No Education Required!!!"</p>