orchard hills 3 gated?

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Is orchard hills the reserves going to be guard gated?
Does anyone know if that will be all single family detatched homes or will there be any condos/townhomes there.
Thank you in advance.
They cleared a good bit for the new development. I can see trees after trees chopping and cutting down. Still does not help if there is a wild fire and ember pickup with the winds. Its a risk to live in on the mountain/ hill side. But hey, you got insurance right?
Compressed-Village said:
They cleared a good bit for the new development. I can see trees after trees chopping and cutting down. Still does not help if there is a wild fire and ember pickup with the winds. Its a risk to live in on the mountain/ hill side. But hey, you got insurance right?

I would think that living close to wild life is also a risk...