On this day 32 years ago...

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August 16, 1977 - The world lost Elvis.

<img src="http://www.funnythings.se/shop/image.php?object_type=product&image_id=3018" alt="" />
I need a "Do Not Like" button, but thank you for reminding us.

My favorite Elvis: Right after the comeback concert in 1968:

<img src="http://wppd-images.web.aol.com/music_gallery/i/e/elvis_presley/10-elvis-presley-081407.jpg" alt="" />
Excellent taste, No_Vas. I believe he was at his finest at the time of the '68 Comeback Special. His music had matured and he never looked better.

<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/youtube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>