Did someone mention ALT-A? How is that ALT-A doing you ask? <a href="http://www.housingwire.com/2008/06/26/alt-a-performance-gets-much-worse-in-may/">How about much worse</a>...
<em>Problems are continuing to grow sharply among Alt-A borrowers, despite a dearth of pending rate resets, underscoring just how much home price depreciation is affecting borrowers in key housing markets nationwide.
A new report released by Clayton Fixed Income Services, Inc. on Wednesday afternoon found that 60+ day delinquency percentages and roll rates increased in every vintage during May among Alt-A loans, while cure rates have declined only for 2003 and 2007 vintages.
The picture being painted for Alt-A is increasingly beginning to look a whole lot like subprime, as a result, even if peaking resets in the loan class aren?t expected until the middle of next year. In particular, loss severity continues to ratchet upward ? a trend that portends some likely further reassessment of rating models at each of the major credit rating agencies, as they catch up with the data.
Loss severity ? the average amount lost relative to unpaid principal balance ? reached 41.4 percent for all Alt-A first liens in REO during the most recent rolling six month period through May, Clayton said; that was up from a 37.6 percent rolling average one month earlier, and compares to a similar 49 percent loss severity average for subprime first liens liquidated in REO through May.</em>