Offer accepted, into escrow, but still Active?

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I put in an offer last month, it was accepted, and now we're halfway through escrow... and for some bizarre reason, the seller's agent hasn't changed the status of the listing to Pending... I can't figure out whether they're playing games, have something up their sleeve, or are simply negligent. Anyone have any ideas?  ???

EDIT: One of the reasons I'm concerned is because the inspection has already been done, and there are still people waltzing into the (unoccupied) house and doing who knows what.
This is a typical strategy to get backups. Your agent should have asked the listing agent to change the status after acceptance. As of now, you can simply ask your agent to request the listing agent to change the status.
What rent said is exactly right. The seller is just concerned that you might cancel or otherwise fall out of escrow. Have you released all contingencies yet? If they keep it active, they should at least change the status to "back up offers" at that point.

If they've had a lot of failed escrows in the past, that'd be a big motivating factor to not rush to change the status. (I had the same situation selling my house, meaning lots of failed escrows, so we didn't finally change the status until our buyer released contingencies.)

Congrats on the purchase, by the way. What are the specs of your new home? Did you get a good deal?
Not much you can do, not your house yet.  I was in a similar situation, listing agent was SLOW in changing the status.  We actually had people trying to walk into the house during inspection, told them to go away (well my agent did).