new booster

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Dr Paul Offit (CDC Advisory Committee member) on the new Covid boosters stated that the booster may be of benefit to 3 categories of people: 1) elderly 65 and over, 2) those with serious disease such as compromised lungs and 3) those who are immunocompromised. He was hesitant to recommend them to younger healthy people. He stressed that without human trials, it is difficult to assess benefit. He went on to say that: "If there's not clear evidence of benefit, it's not fair to ask people to take a risk, no matter how small. The benefit should be clear."
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Sounds like someone is going to get dismissed from the CDC advisory committee soon :-p

What's all this misinformation about it not being tested enough?  Pfizer tested their on mice, Moderna tested theirs on almost 1,000 humans!  Roll up your sleeves every man, woman, and child!