I would be seriously considering upping and buying right now in my 401k. I could be wrong, but I do think for the longer term perspective this would be a good time. I do however remain cautious, and while not everyone has the time to spend to hedge themselves, I would be hedging just in case. WINEX posted a <a href="http://hussmanfunds.com/wmc/wmc081117.htm">great link to Hussman's Funds outlook</a>. I highly, er I mean you need to take the time to read it, period. I agree with the outlook, and I respect a fund manager who applies econometrics to his investing. My only concern is on earnings. If we continue to see declining earnings in a wide range of sectors, then those that do hedge will come out okay, but those who don't will get hurt some more. With that being said, I do believe volatility will remain for some time, and no matter what happens we will continue to see large swings in the markets, but I believe the risk/reward ratio is leaning towards the reward. As Buffett says, sell when people are greedy and buy when people are fearful.
I will also stress the importance of doing your homework. You need to be reading the prospectuses and annual reports of the funds you invest in. You need to put this on your to do list and you need to take the time to do this. For example, <a href="http://hussmanfunds.com/pdf/annrep08.pdf">here is the annual report to the Hussman Fund I mentioned before</a>. You can see what they are invested in, how much of what they are invested in, and you can now look back and see what they got whacked on and what they made a killing on. You can't be investing in fund because it sounds good, or because they have great "annualized" returns. If you are not willing to take the time to do this, then you might as well just hand your money over to some yahoo you met on the internet. Heh, judging by some of the yahoos on here it might work out, or... if you misinterpreted Panda, then you would be wanting to poke someone's eyes out with chop sticks.
<em>Disclosure: This is not intended to be investment advice. Anyone who takes this as advice, would be a nutter to the second power, by thinking this is advice coming from a nutter who has a nickname of crackercakes, is just wrong on so many levels. Do your own due diligence before making any investments, and make sure you do it thoroughly. The one thing this nutter has said that is advice, is to do your gawdamn homework. If you don't, then you can't whine about losing money, because it is your own fault you wouldn't take the time to do the research. There is money to be made in any market, and it is up to you to take the time to figure how that is.</em>