I can't get the right address for this, but click on "Signs of life in California" on this main page. There is a crazy amount of opposite information floating around the mainstream media right now. Housing is recovering, yet there is a flood backlogged foreclosures, huh? I smell a conspiracy to try to get people to buy. Unfortunately, they can't buy if they don't have a job.
I thought it was interesting that the mortgage delinquencies were higher than credit cards. I imagine that the vast majority of people with a mortgage have at least one credit card. Perhaps at least 2% or maybe even 3% are choosing to go into foreclosure while they keep paying their cc's.
[quote author="tmare" date=1239155911]I can't get the right address for this, but click on "Signs of life in California" on this main page. There is a crazy amount of opposite information floating around the mainstream media right now. Housing is recovering, yet there is a flood backlogged foreclosures, huh? I smell a conspiracy to try to get people to buy. Unfortunately, they can't buy if they don't have a job.
I do not thik it is a conspiracy as much it is people's natural tendency to be optimistic and follow the crowd. And people would rather see what they believe rather than believe what they see.