Middle Schools - Pioneer/ Orchard or Columbus Tustin

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My daughter will be starting Middle School this fall, and we are trying to help her pick a good school.

Columbus Tustin- This is a magnet school, and they say that the kids attending this school won't have to give an entrance test to get into Troy.
Orchard Hills- Have no clue about their ratings, but considering the kids are from Hicks and My Ford, it should be good. But what about the electives and other amenities? I don't think they offer a wide range as Pioneer.
Pioneer- Best school in OC. Her friends from Peter's Canyon will be over there, but since we live in Irvine, and fall under Orchard Hills boundary, we have to apply for a transfer.

Please share any first hand experiences you have with the schools above..
I checked Greatschools also, but it hasn't been of much help.

I currently have a son at Orchard Hills and my daughter attended Pioneer and now she's at Beckman. My son doesn't like it at OH. He wants to switch to Pioneer, since he believes it is a better school. He thinks there's more to offer at Pioneer in terms of curriculum. I must agree. OH doesn't offer honors classes like Pioneer and OH has very limited electives. That is to be expected, since it is a new school. My concern with OH is that due to the state budget crisis, the PTO has to fund more of the programs. The problem I see is that the parents in the OH school zone are not as willing to donate as much money as the parents in the Pioneer school zone. We had our spring fundraiser & it only brought in $15,000 and the PTO was aiming for $58,000. That's pathetic! In lieu of having a fall fundraiser like cookies sales, gift wrap sales, etc., the PTO requested that each family donates $250 prior to the beginning of the school year. I was glad to do that, since I hate all those fundraisers where you have to sell useless items! Well only about 35% of the families participated. I understand that the economy sucks & budgets are tight, but over a 9 month school year it equates to $28/month. How many parents do I see walking around daily with their Peets/Starbucks coffee cups that averages around $4 or these women with their Louis Vuitton purses, but are not willing to give $250 to benefit their kid's school. The OH principal reminds me of Tony Robbins. He's a great salesman, promises a lot but underperforms. Things may improve over time. The first year for a school is always difficult, due to working out the kinks and all.

Positive things about OH vs. Pioneer.............the traffic is very light, haven't heard of a kid getting expelled/suspended or using drugs/alcohol/sexual activity/sexting.

Interesting...didn't realize the PTOs/PTAs have to fundraise so much for public schools. By comparison, how much does the Pioneer PTO raise anually?
I can't recall the exact amount Pioneer PTO raised. However, it was substantial. All the bells & whistles at a school are paid for by PTO: field trips, art/music programs, new computers, smart boards, etc. The district just doesn't have the budget for these items. That is why it is essential to support your school's PTO.
This is interesting.

How are the art/music programs integrated into the curriculum? I'm assuming that if the PTO paid for it, it's not part of the school district's program so when is it done? What time does it supplant in order for it to be implemented during school hours?
Pioneer sounds like a fantastic middle school but it sounds like it can't be replicated everywhere. This is why children growing up in poor communities will never have as great an opportunity for public education. A sad but current state of our national public education system.
I echo those in favor of Pioneer.  Also having first hand experience, I agree with iacrenter that the program at Pioneer cannot be replicated.  In a small nutshell, Pioneer has great elective choices, curriculum offerings, and dedicated administrators and teachers.  Definitely cannot be replicated anywhere else, and especially by any Irvine schools (first hand experience there too)
A friend of mine lives in TR.  His daughter attends Pioneer.  He himself, is a self proclaimed cheap Chinaman, and says he enjoys riding on the coattails of the Tustin Ranch Estate and Emerson residents...  He was talking about the fundraisers, and says he donates a little, but that a lot of parents are really helping support the school.  I guess one father a couple years ago, an Anaheim Ducks player, for an auction donated a package which included 1) ice time with the Ducks, 2) seats on the bench and 3) meet the players in the locker room afterwards.    The next year, other parents for the same auction donated some crazy getaway to a "private island".  Apparently, this package came with $5,000 allowance towards travel just to get to the island.   