Loose fridge handle.. any quick fix ideas?

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I have a kitchenaid SS side by side fridge, the handle is loose and rattles when we pull on it.. its the "bow" style handle. any quick fix ideas besides calling the $100 repair man? It's out of warranty.. sucks... they sure don't make appliances like they use to..
Look where the handle touches the door, look at it sideways and look closely for a screw on each end. If you open the door 90 degrees then you should be able see straight at the screws, if not then screws may be on the other side. Either those are loose or the bolts those screws grab onto are loose. There should be a pair for each handle.
i recently had the same thing happen to my side by side fridge. aside from fixing the loose handle, you may also want to consider the root of the problem. for me it was overloading the drawers on the door with condiment bottles and booze. every time i opened the fridge i noticed i had to pull extra hard. not only did the loosen the attaching bolt, which is an easy fix, but i was also cracking the plastic which is not an easy fix.
<p>(OK. Linky widget's fixed.)</p>

<p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.errolmorris.com/commercials/miller/miller_ducttape.html">Your door handle</a>.</p>