Looking for a recipe...

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I'm looking for a somewhat specialized recipe and figured I would start a thread for others looking for a recipe too (multiple heads being better than one).

I was just watching the <a href="http://www.jibtv.com/program/?page=2&program_id=8014">Chinese Noodle Odyssey</a> and while in Xian(?) the host of the show had a persimmon "pancake" stuffed with red bean (although there were other stuffing choices). Because the stuffed persimmon was fried in oil, it was sort of like a doughnut. Anyone have a recipe for this persimmon pancake / doughnut? Many thanks in advance.
I looked all over, Eva (and nearly got a computer virus from a Chinese website in the process.) Apparently, it's called shizibing (???) and I found plenty of photos but no recipes, at least not in English. There are lots of other persimmon recipes (allrecipes.com is a great site to use) but just not for that. Darn, I'm stumped.
[quote author="SoCal78" date=1255309546]I looked all over, Eva (and nearly got a computer virus from a Chinese website in the process.)</blockquote>

Oh... I am so, so sorry about that. :grrr:

I was kind of hoping that with a fairly large number of members of Chinese ancestry, there might be one who would know or know someone who knows. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I had no luck thrashing about the intarwebs either.
In related news, and just in time for the season... Grandma's Persimmon Cookies

The closest published recipe I can find is <strong><a href="http://allrecipes.com/recipe/persimmon-cookies-i/detail.aspx">here</a></strong>.

(We use double the spices and half the salt, shortening instead of butter, and keep the soda with the dry ingredients.)

Don't overbake. Serve this awesomeness warm. Pairs nicely with a "holiday 5-pack".
<a href="http://www.meishiku.com/mimianxiaochi/miandianlei/1193997721128470.html">http://www.meishiku.com/mimianxiaochi/miandianlei/1193997721128470.html</a>

ROUGH translation

Ingredients: persimmons, flour, red bean paste

Step 1: wash persimmons and remove skin, put into container and mush

Step 2: add flour and mix until you reach desirable thickness

Step 3: let stand for 15 mins then remove and cut into desirable size

Step 4: use roller/stick to make it into thick skin, put red bean paste inside and close opening (like meat buns). Flatten it a little.

Step 5: put the persimmon bun into frying pan, use low heat and fry until both sides are golden. Place the fried persimmon buns on oil-absorbing paper.
Huh. My Google-fu seems to have improved. Here are<a href="http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=y&u=http://www.kaixinuu.com/Xian-snacks-characteristics/shizibing.html&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&history;_state0="> two</a> <a href="http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?trurl=http://www.kaixinuu.com/Xian-snacks-characteristics/shizibing.html&lp=zh_en&.intl=us&fr=yfp-t-501">translations</a> for a recipe as well. (Since none of the online translators are perfect, I figured comparing the two competing translations might get a better result.)