LG Fridge

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Last May we bought an LG energy efficient fridge. Yesterday I get a letter from them informing us that it uses more energy than it had stated and I needed to call them with the serial number. Over 2 hours on hold and I talk to someone who tells me that they will be sending us a check for $22 to make up for past and future extra energy costs and will be sending a technician out to improve the efficiency, but it will not be efficient enough to be classified energy efficient.

I told the rep that this was not acceptable as we specifically chose a fridge that was classified as energy efficient and that I wanted to exchange it for what we bought. She said that none of their 3 door french are energy efficient and that nothing could be done. I just feel so deceived and with something that is supposed to last for what at least 10, but maybe 15 years and I'm stuck with it because they sold under false pretenses.

I thought about calling SCE because they gave us either $50 or $100 for buying an energy star, but it turns out not to be. You'd think that they want their money back or more importantly, want the energy usage that these were supposed to provide so that they don't have to spend a small fortune on another plant.

Should I take the lousy $22 and the tech tinkering with it or should I go another avenue to fight this?
What exactly are your motivations? Are you concerned about what your energy costs will be out-of-pocket, or is it more a matter of principle? A rating or a label are nothing more. What qualifies as "Energy Star" today probably wouldn't pass the standards 2-3 years from now. Do you know what your fridge consumes over time, on average, and what your marginal price is for each KW-h of electricity?