Last Property Tax Question - I Promise! (kind of)

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Okay, you are correct. I will provide the question and answer:

Question: Why do property taxes appear to be extended? How come you have until 06/30/2009 to pay your property taxes? I thought 04/10/2009 was the deadline and there were no extensions.

Answer that I found: Property taxes are DUE on 4/10/2009. They become DELINQUENT on 07/01/2009. So you actually have a couple months to get them paid, with penalty, before they become delinquent.

I still don't understand the whole property tax game. People paying on installment plans yet being delinquent on the latest taxes, people in foreclosure yet completely caught up on their property taxes, etc.
you are wrong. property taxes are due 4/10 (for the second installment) and 12/10 (for the first installment), after those dates you are delinquent. some supplemantle tax bills have other dates, but thos two are the MAIN ones.

The following schedule is intended to serve as a general guide to property-owners in Orange County, California. Please note that the list below includes only the more significant dates and may not include all items or activities in the regular tax cycle.

July 1

Beginning of the fiscal year.


Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office mails delinquent prior year secured notices.

August 31

UNSECURED TAX DELINQUENCY DEADLINE as of 5:00 p.m. A 10% penalty plus a $75.00 collection fee is added as of 5:00 p.m.

September 25 - October 5

The Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office mails out original SECURED PROPERTY TAX bills. In addition, SUPPLEMENTAL TAX bills are mailed throughout the year.


Unsecured Tax liens filed for unpaid unsecured accounts.

November 1

First SECURED PROPERTY TAX installment is due; delinquent UNSECURED accounts are charged additional penalties of 1.5% per month until paid.

December 10

FIRST INSTALLMENT payment deadline. A 10% penalty is added after the deadline.


Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office mails delinquent notice for unpaid FIRST INSTALLMENT and SUPPLEMENTAL SECURED INSTALLMENTS.

February 1

Second SECURED PROPERTY TAX installment due.

February - March

Treasurer-Tax Collector mails delinquent prior year secured installment.

March - July

UNSECURED PROPERTY TAX statements mailed.

April 10

Second SECURED PROPERTY TAX installment payment deadline. A 10% penalty plus $23.00 cost is added after the deadline.


Treasurer-Tax Collector mails delinquent notices for any unpaid first and second installment taxes and SUPPLEMENTAL SECURED INSTALLMENTS

June 30

End of fiscal year.

July 1

Delinquent SECURED and SECURED SUPPLEMENTAL accounts are transferred to delinquent tax roll and additional penalties added at 1.5% per month on any unpaid tax amounts, plus $15.00 redemption fee.
Thank you for this information. So I guess my original question still needs to be answered. Why would the taxes be delinquent, penalties assessed but the remarks field says "Until 6/30/2009"