Largest Homes in Orchard Hills... TUSD or IUSD Side?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I've read on TI that large Toll Brother homes were in the future plans of Orchard Hills? I was hoping they'd be built on the TUSD side? Hopefully, larger homes equals more kids which equals Orchard Hills School implementing K-4 much quicker...
Legit949 said:
I've read on TI that large Toll Brother homes were in the future plans of Orchard Hills? I was hoping they'd be built on the TUSD side? Hopefully, larger homes equals more kids which equals Orchard Hills School implementing K-4 much quicker...

From the marketing thread?
LOL! TUSD doesn't open schools based on how many kids are in the area. They've proven that over many years from the time Tustin Ranch was opened (late 1980's) till now. They told those were to attend Heritage (which they built years ago) that there weren't enough kids based on some poll which no one in the area was asked to participate in. Instead they let the school be used for other purposes happily cashing the mello checks.
Ready2Downsize said:
LOL! TUSD doesn't open schools based on how many kids are in the area. They've proven that over many years from the time Tustin Ranch was opened (late 1980's) till now. They told those were to attend Heritage (which they built years ago) that there weren't enough kids based on some poll which no one in the area was asked to participate in. Instead they let the school be used for other purposes happily cashing the mello checks.


Nice to see that I'm not the only outspoken TUSD hater around. :)
So sad to see TUSD still operating as they did when we lived in TR.

They do have some good schools but they move at a snail's pace opening new ones and could care less what the community thinks or how much pressure parents try to put on them to open new schools.
Luckily, all of Orchard Hills School is currently occupied and used as a school. The school is just filled with grades 5-8. TUSD just needs to simply reassign grades 5-8 and bring in grades K-4. Otherwise, the school is currently functioning at capacity as a fully functional school. I assume the cost would be the same...