Landscape Lighting Manufacturer Advice

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We're doing landscaping soon and several landscapers are telling me to stay away from the cheap manufacturers you find at Home Depot or Lowes (e.g. Malibu lighting, etc.). They say that I'll end up replacing them every year or two and that the connections get corroded pretty quickly.

1) For those of you that have had these for over two years, can you tell me if you've found this to be true?

2) Does anyone have any experience with Focus Industries lighting based out of Lake Forest? Lights range between $90-150 per fixture installed, which is quite a bit more than Malibu lighting priced around $15-20 a fixture.

3) Anyone have any quality brands they can recommend that would be priced around $50-80 per fixture? Perhaps with a lifetime warranty.

I appreciate any advice you can give. Thanks.
Tyler Durden said:
Most everything I have seen uses Malibu lights.  Considering these are only on a few hrs / day, I think if you found them to be crap you could replace them 10x and still come out cheaper than the price you are listing for Focus.

Not saying or suggesting Malibu is the best, it just does what it was supposed to.

However, if you want your home to be lit up like the Staples Center for the Lakers pre-game and have your backyard look like the Bellagio fountain, i am guessing that Malibu lights probably won't meet your requirements.

I'm looking for a more sustainable product. How is it doing what it's supposed to do if it goes out this often?

Anyone have any suggestions?