Keeping up with IHB Blog Posts and Comments - use RSS!

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Sometimes it's hard keeping up with all the comments on the main blog. One way to do so is to use RSS. There are just a few steps to set this up:

1. Get an RSS Reader

- There are tons of Readers; one that is free and easy to use is <a href="">Google Reader</a>

2. Subscribe to the IHB feeds

- Blog Posts:

- Blog Comments:

Keeping up with all the forum content using feeds isn't really possible right now. There are feed icons at the bottom of the forums that you can try but they don't work as you might expect them too. We're working on fixing that but don't have any easy solution.
oops, thought this was about keeping up with Tenmagnet's forum rants. But I guess that is impossible.

However, thanks for the tip zovall. I'll try out google reader later today :)