K-Town restaurant run

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I took a trip to K-Town to have lunch with some friends last weekend. Originally we wanted to dine at Yi Ssi Hwa Ro, unfortunately they were closed for lunch on weekend:

Yi Ssi Hwa Ro

3465 W 6th St

Ste 130

Los Angeles, CA 90020

(213) 365-8111

<a href="http://www.yelp.com/biz/yi-ssi-hwa-ro-los-angeles">http://www.yelp.com/biz/yi-ssi-hwa-ro-los-angeles </a>

<img src="http://static.px.yelp.com/bphoto/QiF5p6OdsVaV_M3V0BEWeQ/l" alt="" />

Yi Ssi Hwa Ro has all you can eat special at $15.99 and $19.99, I've been told the meat selection is good. But since they were closed, we ended up at SaeByuckZip around the corner:


3465 W 6th St

Ste #20

Los Angeles, CA 90020

(213) 388-6800

Note: open 11am-5am

<a href="http://www.yelp.com/biz/saebyuckzip-los-angeles">http://www.yelp.com/biz/saebyuckzip-los-angeles </a>

<img src="http://static.px.yelp.com/bphoto/40-LIwEAqax7IzOEfMfxbw/l" alt="" />

SaeByuckZip has all you can eat specials at $14.99 and... I think $16.99. The $15 one has 4 selections of meat, and $17 one has 10. We opted for the latter. The most recent Yelp review for that restaurant, dated 11/23/2008 ("Danny C"), is from my friend who dined with me that day, and I agree with everything he says.

The pork and beef was pretty good (I liked the thin sliced beef brisket a lot), but avoid the intestines as we simply could not chew through it. The banchan selection was a little skimpy but acceptable. All you can eat meal came with standard steamed egg and bean paste soup. Service was so-so and you have to ring the bell to get their attention. Note that on Sundays, you don't have to deposit coins in parking meter.

I also liked the fact that this restaurant used a slightly curved flat-iron type table top cooker, so the grease will roll down the sides. Generally speaking, I prefer the Japanese style wire-mesh grill, but this was acceptable. It's also to cook your meat like Wako Honey Pig style by putting kimchi and bean sprouts below the meats. If you're new to Korean BBQ, cook the un-marinated meats first, then the marinated ones (they'll leave deposits on the grill), unless if you want to call the waitress to replace your grill top.

<img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4Q5Ddjqd68A/SUnTEtNAi7I/AAAAAAAAByo/ocd7wOh6GPk/s512/KoreanBBQ2.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_4Q5Ddjqd68A/SUnTChtI9-I/AAAAAAAABxg/AtDMeasJBV8/s640/KoreanBBQ1.jpg" alt="" />

The real find was a desert shop inside the plaza called Bosco:

Cake Salon Bosco

Neighborhood: Koreatown

3465 W 6th St Ste 80

Los Angeles, CA 90020

(213) 388-2277

<a href="http://www.yelp.com/biz/cake-salon-bosco-los-angeles">http://www.yelp.com/biz/cake-salon-bosco-los-angeles</a>

<a href="http://ratearestaurant.blogspot.com/2008/06/rate-restaurant-174-bosco-cake-salon.html">http://ratearestaurant.blogspot.com/2008/06/rate-restaurant-174-bosco-cake-salon.html</a>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3051/2583381500_5711630159.jpg?v=0" alt="" />

<img src="http://static.px.yelp.com/bphoto/aCdg3BCEdl8GLspPPnRVMw/l" alt="" />

The picture is kinda old from yelp, this cake shop has revamped their selection to offer a wide array of "mini cakes", little delicious roundish cakes. I was quite impressed and would recommend this place. It's not cheap, but worth the visit.

We also walked across the street to a new Korean indoor mall called City Center on 6th, across from Chapman Plaza. This is a brand new place and many stores are still fitting out. I think there will be a supermarket on the 1st floor. There's some high end clothing and golf shop on the 2nd and 3rd floor. If you're into expensive lingerie for men and women, there's a shop on 2nd floor that sells $100 men's underwear that's semi-see through on the butt.

<a href="http://www.angelenic.com/2793/first-look-city-center-on-6th/">http://www.angelenic.com/2793/first-look-city-center-on-6th/</a>

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3196/2503120508_5d21899f64_m.jpg" alt="" />

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3224/2765608971_57b84042a9_m.jpg" alt="" />