Just for Troop! Christine & Amanda - La Jolla, Ca

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Yay ! Congrats to the happy couple ! Those are beautiful pics Bix.

I have lesbian friends that are waiting to get married. They want to see what happens in November....and don't want to get caught up in legal limbo if we lose gay marriage. I keep telling them to go for it before the vote, but they are concerned. They already have a civil union.
This is my favorite pic. Doubting IHB'rs....do you really think this will destroy marriage ? Look how happy they are ! This is a GOOD thing !

<strong>Vote NO on Prop. 8</strong> !!! (I promise I'll stop all...ok, most.....of this rhetoric after November)

<img src="http://organicphotographs.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/038.jpg" alt="" />