Junk fees at closing

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What are considered junk fees and are negotiable at close?

Under "escrow charges", there are

escrow fee 1875
processing fee 275
messenger or document handling fee 100
admin fee 90
irvineboy said:
What are considered junk fees and are negotiable at close?

Under "escrow charges", there are

escrow fee 1875
processing fee 275
messenger or document handling fee 100
admin fee 90
You can always ask the escrow officer if you can get a discount on the escrow.  They may or may not give it to you.  Usually the escrow fee is within a small range from one escrow company to another.  The other fees are a bit more fluff but standard fees that escrow companies will charge.  Again, you can ask the escrow officer to waive or reduce those fees too but they may not do so.
The escrow/title/ and lender all have a pretty firm grasp on your naughty bits when you're sitting at the closing table asking for a discount on fees. You'll often hear "no", then experience a sharp squeeze just to let you know who's in control. Others will relent a bit - $50 here, $25 there, but nothing spectacular will come of it.

The lender has to get an Estimated HUD-1 two to three days into the escrow in order to push out their Good Faith Estimate. That's the time to begin asking about fees. Escrow, or the lender, can send over a copy of that HUD-1 anytime. Best to scan the fees then and ask for a measured discount well before you're scrunched over the closing table in that most vulnerable position of weakness.

Many of the strange fees on the HUD are in fact real costs - "Sub-Escrow" and "Endorsements" often are the biggest puzzles to buyers. By getting the HUD early, you can ask about what these costs represent. The impression of high fees can be one of real charges poorly explained, or there can be actual over charging.

Professional Realtor's pick closing and title services that are great at what they do, while having reasonable and fair prices. It's somewhat rare today to run into a shop that gouges like we saw in the mid 2000's.

My .02c

irvineboy said:
What is normal or within reason for escrow fee?  Is 1875 too much?
For a resale home, the average escrow fee will be about .25% +/- of the purchase price for each party.  Again, the range for the escrow fees has been pretty tight from my experience looking over GFEs/HUDs.  The majority of time the seller/listing agent will pick the escrow company and/or the title company.
USCTrojanCPA said:
irvineboy said:
What is normal or within reason for escrow fee?  Is 1875 too much?
For a resale home, the average escrow fee will be about .25% +/- of the purchase price for each party.  Again, the range for the escrow fees has been pretty tight from my experience looking over GFEs/HUDs.  The majority of time the seller/listing agent will pick the escrow company and/or the title company.

Can you pick the escrow company yourself?  Or does the seller/listing agent always select it?

Can you use your own inspection company?
irvineboy said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
irvineboy said:
What is normal or within reason for escrow fee?  Is 1875 too much?
For a resale home, the average escrow fee will be about .25% +/- of the purchase price for each party.  Again, the range for the escrow fees has been pretty tight from my experience looking over GFEs/HUDs.  The majority of time the seller/listing agent will pick the escrow company and/or the title company.

Can you pick the escrow company yourself?  Or does the seller/listing agent always select it?

Can you use your own inspection company?
Typically the seller selects the escrow company and title company but you can make the request/negotiate to use one that you want. 

Home inspectors are always selected (and should be) by the buyer.  Typically the seller will select the termite company for the pest inspection (again, you can request/negotiate to select your own). 
irvineboy said:
Any good home inspectors you guys can recommend?
They are all about the same price right?
The price differs as much as the service differs.

You should ask the realtor members here, I'm sure they have more experience with inspectors than a single homeowner.
I just wanted to endorse Steve as well. I just used him for a home inspection and he was very good. He answered any question I had and actually explained how the systems in the house work. I highly recommend him based on my experience.