JOST Expansion (Jeffrey Open Space Trail)

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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Glad to see the city is in the planning stages to expand the Jeffrey Open Space Trail. It provides families with a nice walk, a safe ride for cyclists, and could potentially become an alternative method of transportation for IVC students.

We are excited for this improvement, but hope the city does remember the traffic concerns caused by increased pedestrian and cyclist traffic. Current plans are to maintain all crossings at grade (crosswalks). I hope the planners will see a benefit to continuing the JOST flow with above grade (bridges) or below grade (tunnels) improvements. The last concern Irvine traffic needs will be slower traffic at Jeffrey/Alton and Jeffrey/Barranca.

Submit written comments to Associate Transportation Analyst Cheryl Lea at
Burn That Belly said:
They need to figure out how to connect JOST from the CV area and over the 5 fwy to this extension. That has been the biggest problem for bicyclists and joggers.

Otherwise, JOST has been the top 5 amenities to living in CV, WB, SG, and now EW.

Let me rephrase my question. Do you think there are Bobcats or coyotes that will be "potentially" on the trail?
Burn That Belly said:
eyephone said:
Let me rephrase my question. Do you think there are Bobcats or coyotes that will be "potentially" on the trail?

Far worse. I hear there are gropers on JOST now. Just check Nextdoor.

Do you think it's fake for real?
eyephone said:
Let me rephrase my question. Do you think there are Bobcats or coyotes that will be "potentially" on the trail?
Why not? Every once and a while I see coyotes crossing Jeffrey.
So your saying Nextdoor is the matrix?

Burn That Belly said:
It is neither fake nor real. It is the matrix. The body cannot live without the mind but the mind sends signals to the body indicating the perceptive reality of what just happened, what is plausible of happening, and whether or not it believes did or didn't happen. If it did happen, the mind gets a response indicating the event but electrical impulses are just that, electrical impulses.
It?s moving in the right direction, but won?t be complete unless the JOST extensions remove all pedestrians and cyclists from the intersections along Jeffrey Road to I-405. This will help with traffic flow, pedestrian safety, and provide an alternate way to access IVC. Most importantly it adds a recreation options and connects parts of the city.