Joint Ventures - the next shoe to drop?

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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Excellent article at

One of the key quotes from the article at <a href=""></a> is this:



<p><strong>In markets where housing became overinflated, there are record inventories of existing and new homes. But if builders sell land at firesale prices, that makes it easier for vultures to sweep in and build new houses because of the new cheaper land base. </strong></p>

<p><strong>This, in turn, will put more pressure on existing home prices in these formerly hot markets, industry sources warn. </strong></p>

<p><strong>So wait for this ugliness to play out before dipping into the homebuilder stocks. </strong>


<p>Other things in the article about Lennar make me believe that LawyerLiz's New Year's prediction may come true.</p>