Jasmine at Cypress Village

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I'm new to TI but think it's a good resource to get advice/opinions of people about Irvine. 

I didn't see much discussions/threads about Jasmine at Cypress Village, and wanted to get everyone's thoughts.

Any info/advice woud be great, thanks!
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The lack of discussion on Jasmine probably due the fact that Jasmine is not a brand new product.  Jasmine is same as San Mateo in Stonegate and Siena in Laguna Altura.  Jasmine/San Mateo/Siena are probably Irvine Pacific's most popular product, they build so many of them through out these communities. 

There are already tone of discussion on San Mateo and here's a good review. http://www.irvinehousingblog.com/blog/comments/a-review-of-the-san-mateo-tract-at-stonegate

Here's link to discussion on San Meteo:http://www.talkirvine.com/index.php/topic,2402.msg34376.html#msg34376