It is time to open all businesses! -Say MDs

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Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MD, distinguished pathologist including virology - many credentials

"It's outrageous.  This is absolutely the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the public.  It's politics playing medicine."
"Masks are utterly useless. They're simply virtue signalling."
"Social distancing is also useless."
"Everywhere should be open tomorrow."

Another distinguished physician categorically states that Ivermectin is a "miracle drug" which both cures and prevents Covid 19.  Moreover, the claims of 300,000 deaths FROM Covid are misleading. This number of people died WITH Covid as the total number of US deaths has not materially increased over 2019.  What has happened is that the number of deaths attributable to other causes, such as heart attack, emphysema, and pneumonia, are now listed as "Covid" to gain federal monies.
The data from the CDC:

Total US deaths

2018 - 2.83 million
2019 - 2.84 million

As of 12-4-2020 - 2.65 million.

"Test all things. Hold fast that which is true." - The Holy Bible

Fear and ignorance are a terrible combination used with great effect by global warmists, Trump haters, and Covid fearmongers.

The irony of appealing to authority while rejecting authority at the same time. 

But this is basically Trump's pitch to his supporters...FIGHT THE MAN even when he is the MAN.
Irvinecommuter said:
The irony of appealing to authority while rejecting authority at the same time. 

But this is basically Trump's pitch to his supporters...FIGHT THE MAN even when he is the MAN.

We could of if everybody wore masks.
Irvinecommuter said:
The irony of appealing to authority while rejecting authority at the same time. 

But this is basically Trump's pitch to his supporters...FIGHT THE MAN even when he is the MAN.

The arrogance of pretending to  say something profound when in fact you missed the point entirely.
Politicians are leading the panic, and a few misguided physicians such as Fauci, are enabling them.

The statistics bear out the nonsense of politicizing this panic.  You are obviously one of the panickers.  Stay at home and cower.  It's only a few letters away from "coward."
StarmanMBA said:
Irvinecommuter said:
The irony of appealing to authority while rejecting authority at the same time. 

But this is basically Trump's pitch to his supporters...FIGHT THE MAN even when he is the MAN.

The arrogance of pretending to  say something profound when in fact you missed the point entirely.
Politicians are leading the panic, and a few misguided physicians such as Fauci, are enabling them.

The statistics bear out the nonsense of politicizing this panic.  You are obviously one of the panickers.  Stay at home and cower.  It's only a few letters away from "coward."

LOL...a few misguided physicians?  This is exactly what I mean...somehow the quacks that you found to say crazy things are legit but the rest of the scientific/medical community are "misguided".  I mean, are you going to cite the demon sex doctor as your authority too?

Weird that the CDC, who you allegedly cite, say the opposite regarding deaths and COVID.

Weird that the two experts that you quote seem to care more about their business than public health

But yes...Dr. Fauchi who spent his entire life doing research and working for the government and the head of the NIH for multiple president is the misguided one.

I mean more doctors smoke Malboro than any other brands of cigarettes!

Honestly...I don't know why I bother...arguing with Starman is like hitting yourself with a hammer.
A famous ?philosopher? once said there are three types of lies - lies, damn lies, and statistics (aka Starman?s post)! The Politifact website has a good article ?Chart comparing 2020 US death toll with previous years is flawed, uses incomplete data?.

Doesn?t make any difference what you believe, you can always find statistics (aka lies) on the internet to ?support? your views.

We need an alternate to ?thank you? posts on this forum. Reminds me of the old Gallagher idea of whenever you saw an idiot driver you would shoot a rubber dart that stuck on the car. So when a cop saw a car drive by with a bunch of darts on it - time for a ticket.

Irvinecommuter said:
Honestly...I don't know why I bother...arguing with Starman is like hitting yourself with a hammer.

You're just gonna end up on his ignore list.

He prefers one way conversation.
Almost 40,000 physicians have signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

Hello, police?  I'd like to report someone who isn't afraid.  Arrest them immediately. - You panickers

Incidentally, our 74 year old president contracted it and it was nothing even for him.

Stay at home and cower.  Just stop trying to shove your panic down everyone else's throats like you do everything else.
StarmanMBA said:
Almost 40,000 physicians have signed the Great Barrington Declaration.

Koch Astroturfing again.

After gaining some publicity, this strategy was strongly denounced by many in the scientific community. While it supposedly received 8,000 signatures from public health experts and doctors, news outlets later revealed that some of those signatures were fake.

The declaration was sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research, a libertarian, free-market think tank headquartered in western Massachusetts. The Institute is in a network of organizations funded by Charles Koch -- a right-wing billionaire known for promoting climate change denial and opposing regulations on business.

Incidentally, our 74 year old president contracted it and it was nothing even for him.

Well...clearly if you have access to immediate health care and hospitalization as well as an expensive experimental treatment you are totally good.  Oh wait...ICU/Hospitals are packed?  Too bad for you.

Go ask Herman Cain how everything worked out.
Irvinecommuter said:
Well...clearly if you have access to immediate health care and hospitalization as well as an expensive experimental treatment you are totally good.  Oh wait...ICU/Hospitals are packed?  Too bad for you.

Go ask Herman Cain how everything worked out.

Orange County hospitals are anything BUT "packed."
Stop lying.  It is very Leftist of you.
How old again was Herman Cain?  What other predisposing medical conditions did he have?
You wear your fearful masks and stay at home.  Just stop trying to shove YOUR fear and YOUR panic down everyone else's throats.  Very sickening and Leftist of you.
StarmanMBA said:
Irvinecommuter said:
Well...clearly if you have access to immediate health care and hospitalization as well as an expensive experimental treatment you are totally good.  Oh wait...ICU/Hospitals are packed?  Too bad for you.

Go ask Herman Cain how everything worked out.

Orange County hospitals are anything BUT "packed."
Stop lying.  It is very Leftist of you.
How old again was Herman Cain?  What other predisposing medical conditions did he have?
You wear your fearful masks and stay at home.  Just stop trying to shove YOUR fear and YOUR panic down everyone else's throats.  Very sickening and Leftist of you.

Where are you getting info that OC hospitals are "anything BUT "packed"?
kpatnps said:
Where are you getting info that OC hospitals are "anything BUT "packed"?

1.  I play tennis with a surgeon.  He knows the statistics of ICU capacities in OC.  They're far below capacity.
2. My daughter went to the Mission Viejo hospital when they set up a parking lot Covid19 diagnosis and treatment area.  She took photos.  It was completely empty.
3.  The Navy medical ship sent to Long Beach months ago at the peak got so few patients that it left.
4.  The same event took place in New York City.
5.  My friend knows two people who got Covid 19.
Both had one sick day, much like a trivial flu.  They're both fine now.
6. President Trump, over 74 and not in peak condition, recovered.

Be afraid. Be very afraid, of Covid, of climate change, of anything your handlers tell you to fear.  I'm living my life unafraid of your numerous boogeymen.