Irvine named America's safest city AGAIN!

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jamboreedude said:

I feel so safe in Irvine.  ;)
Sweet, I feel the price of my home appreciating while I type this.  haha
Phew! *Repeating to self*
1. You can pick up the children a minute and thirty seconds after school is out. It's safe, they can wait inside the gated school campus till I pullover.
2. You can leave the motor court when the kids play, after you set up 'kids at play' sign. Your neighbor, whose kid is playing with yours, will not kidnap them, or hurt them.
3. You should finally stop leaving the car unlocked on the street with your purse inside. It's safe, but you might tempt someone into messing up the city statistics. Your home will not like it.
4. That house in South Pasadena looked good and made you want to go back to where you loved living, but hey, it's not safe!

Congratulations everybody- you kept the city safe by installing alarms in all your houses :-)
All I can say is if it was not reported (or discouraged from being reported by the police you called), it did not happen per the statistics.  :)  Don't Asian's not trust the police (and not report many crimes as such)?

I agree Irvine is a pretty safe city for it's size but I also agree with Zovall there are a lot of extremely safe places in the OC but may be just under the 100K population size (and not be counted in this statistic).
The same TV station also reported Santa Ana is the 4th safest city in the nation. Give me a break! I am really confused now. Irvine should be on this list too?

jamboreedude said:

I feel so safe in Irvine.  ;)
This is so interesting to read the reply to this article. Everyone is an Irvine hater apparently.

jamboreedude said:

I feel so safe in Irvine.  ;)
irvinehomeshopper said:
This is so interesting to read the reply to this article. Everyone is an Irvine hater apparently.

jamboreedude said:

I feel so safe in Irvine.  ;)

i think most commenters of any article tend to lean on the criticism side...
irvinehomeshopper said:
This is so interesting to read the reply to this article. Everyone is an Irvine hater apparently.

jamboreedude said:

I feel so safe in Irvine.  ;)

I don't hate Irvine.  I lived in Irvine for ten years and liked it for the first 7 years quite a bit.  I thought it was the best place to live at the time.  I just think there are cities near Irvine (and around the country) that are just as safe or safer but have a population just under 100K and thus are not included in the statistic.
Lake Forest businesses hate cops checking up on their premise.
MV is incredibly safe
and Santa Ana the 4th safest in the nation according to Forbes and Yahoo so Irvine must hurry and build more houses to knock Santa Ana off the 4th position at a popullation of 250,000. ;)

Cubic Zirconia said:
zovall said:
Blah.. the FBI is paid by the city and TIC.  There are much safer options nearby.  :P

Yes Sir! Santa Ana comes to my mind ;-)
Lake Forest is also safe? Or is only for businesses?