Installing marble floors vs porcelain floors

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Do you guys know if the process for setting/installing marble flooring is different than porcelain flooring?  A vendor we looking at says the installation costs more for marble because it is a different and lengthier process than installing porcelain. 
We have marble. From what I understood when we got an installer, any marble installer can install tile, but not every tile installer can install marble. Not sure why. Maybe it needs a very level surface since it's shiny and you would notice imperfections if the surface weren't perfectly level????
Ready2Downsize said:
We have marble. From what I understood when we got an installer, any marble installer can install tile, but not every tile installer can install marble. Not sure why. Maybe it needs a very level surface since it's shiny and you would notice imperfections if the surface weren't perfectly level????

Usually stone tiles are installed with 1/16" grout line vs 1/8" for porcelain tile.  Thinner grout line has higher margin of error, makes imperfection more obvious, and require more attention during installation.  This is one of reason that not every installer can do nature stone tile.  Nature  stone tile requires a more skilled, more experience installer to do the job correctly. 