Inside the minds of mortgage brokers

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<p>Sorry Maestro.....I just couldn't resist. Look what I stumbled on.....a broker blog ....(kindof). Look at some of the FICO's they are still trying to qualify people with ! Some of these links are hysterical....personal favorite, "WEIRDLOANS" ! OK, that's all you get tonight.</p>

<p><a href="">Mortgage Grapevine - BrokerUniverse</a></p>

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that's a funny site. I ran into a couple of my buddies this weekend at Costco. They were returning items from their homes to get cash. I'm not kidding. I'm talking, tv's, patio furniture, plants, etc...
<p>Here's one way for mortgage brokers to make money.</p>

<p>"...Mr. Katz, 32, of Manhattan, is one of the tens of thousands of motorists who have signed up to have their cars and trucks wrapped in advertisements in exchange for a stipend up to $800 a month.</p>

<p>These offers are becoming so popular that car owners have been willing to limit where they shop and abide by a code of conduct while they are behind the wheel..."</p>

<p><img height="280" alt="" width="600" border="0" src="" /></p>