I think it is important to note the downward revisions from the <a href="http://www.census.gov/const/newressales_200710.pdf">October report</a> compared to the <a href="http://www.census.gov/const/newressales_200711.pdf">November report</a>.
For the West (in thousands), August was revised from 160 down to 155, September was revised down from 185 to 177, and October was revised from 156 to 151. Most likely November will be revised downward as well, since the margin of error is 18.7%. Also, consider that August and September were revised down twice since they were originally reported.
Taking the preliminary October 156 number and the preliminary November 157 number, homes sales were up 0.6%. Seeing as how the average downward revision is 5667, by rounding up, it would make the November number 151, or an increase of 0%. The YOY numbers were down -33.8%, and factoring in the possible revision would be down -36.3%.
The October numbers were originally reported that the YOY number was down -37.3%, however with the revision it was actually down -39.4%.
The not seasonally adjusted months of inventory in the West increased from 10.5 months in October to 12.2 months in November, and YOY it is up from 7.4 months.
Could this be perceived as the bottom? Sure, but it looks to me like the West will be hanging around the bottom for some time to come.