IMPORTANT: When to post and when not to post

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New member
I recently started a PM thread on future Portola Springs neighborhoods and stated that info on the neighborhoods would only be available by PM. However, someone unfortunately found info on the New Home Company website that was not supposed to be released at all and posted it. I asked him/her to please remove the info, but he only made it more public by making it a full-fledged topic on the Irvine thread.

Now, the info on Cressa and the two Crystal Cove developments has been removed on the New Home Company website. However, I have recently gotten into trouble for putting a bit too much info on Beacon Park, and this just caused more problems. I am seriously worried what is going to happen now, since the others believe that I operate under a second user account as well.

When I ask for info to be removed politely, there is a reason for it (it isn't just because I'm being rude or anything). Ultimately, when something like this happens, I get all the responsibility for "leaking" it or not preventing it from happening. As long as I don't say anything wrong, it's okay, but if I do, please do so. Otherwise, I will have to stop posting info on TalkIrvine altogether. Thanks.  :'(
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