OK, IR has sent me my uploaded icon pic...but I don't know what to do next to add it. I checked my "account" tab and it asks for an URL. I don't see an URL....how do I add this thing ?
So wait - if the image is referred to an external URL it can change on you anytime without notice. Any way to make it a local copy? Or should we all put it in Nude's comcast account ?
I'd suggest people find a place that they control to host an icon file. While mine is stable, I have a tendency to clean out the junk every few weeks and, as g_c points out, the problem with linking to some random url is that it might disappear. The good news is that most anyone with high-speed internet usually has some sort of on-line storage with their provider.
<p>NUDE ! Thanks !! That worked. So tell me, should I be emailing this image to IR to host on IHB now, then using that URL? (Since you said you clean out your computer every month or so....won't my pic possibly get lost then ?)</p>