IBC (Irvine Business Complex) - fossils

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"many fossils have been found within the IBC boundaries during City-required
paleontological monitoring (Figure 7).  Those associated with IBC residential projects include
herbivores, carnivores, rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles and amphibians (Table 2) (Commendador-
Dugeon et al 2006a & 2006b, DeBusk and Seckel 2007, DeBusk 2008, Gust and Scott 2009,
Lander 2008, Michalsky and Sample 2002, Scott and Gust 2008, Smith 2009).  The herbivores
include mammoth, mastodon, giant ground sloth, bison, camel, llama, horse, tapir, peccary, deer,
pronghorn and dwarf pronghorn.  The carnivores include bear, sabertoothed cat, jaguar, bobcat,
dire wolf, coyote, gray fox, raccoon, weasel, badger, skunk and sea otter.  Birds known are
turkey vulture and duck. The smaller animals include many types of rabbits, rats, mice, gophers,
woodrats, moles, shrews, lizards, snakes and salamanders."

Maybe I will go digging in the boonies behind portola springs and find me some fossils.  I'll use the money I get from my mammoth tusk fossils to buy one of those new expensive sfd homes that has a park nearby...maybe even a driveway...
SoCal78 said:
Apparently, animal fossils are not the only thing being disturbed.

According to page 26 of the following document, HUMAN remains will be disturbed by the construction at Stonegate. (I have not yet found out what those listed mitigation measures reference with regard to that.)

Ooooooh, I don't think that is very good Feng Shui...the FCB/FB's are not going to like that...

Now having said that, I used to live in an apt. in NB that was supposedly built on sacred Indian burial ground...and it was a great place to live :)
Interesting. They did not scan in the rest of the document, so when you look to find out what they will do to mitigate this (referenced by a "90"), the document gets cut off at #59. So... hmm.
SoCal78 said:
Apparently, animal fossils are not the only thing being disturbed.

According to page 26 of the following document, HUMAN remains will be disturbed by the construction at Stonegate. (I have not yet found out what those listed mitigation measures reference with regard to that.)

"You left the bodies but you only moved the headstones! You only moved the headstones! WHY?!!!" - Craig T. Nelson character in Poltergeist

kayochan said:
SoCal78 said:
Apparently, animal fossils are not the only thing being disturbed.

According to page 26 of the following document, HUMAN remains will be disturbed by the construction at Stonegate. (I have not yet found out what those listed mitigation measures reference with regard to that.)

Ooooooh, I don't think that is very good Feng Shui...the FCB/FB's are not going to like that...

Now having said that, I used to live in an apt. in NB that was supposedly built on sacred Indian burial ground...and it was a great place to live :)

I wonder what kind of human remains these are because I'm thinking if they were Indian, we would have heard something from activists such as during the construction of the 241 and the Brightwater Hearthside Homes development:

"The Brightwater Hearthside Homes development was approved for a 349-unit project in 2006 but was halted after an ancient American Indian burial ground was found on site.... Brightwater was given approvals to remove the remains and properly bury them after community activists protested the development and asked that construction stop out of respect for the burial grounds."

I haven't heard anything about the remains at this location other than what appears in that public document. Maybe these are even more ancient or newer/ not Native American. Hmmm. Now I'm really curious.
sgip said:
Harbor Cove in NPB was a mass grave.

I can't find any quick links, but I recall that the Fletcher Jones MBZ dealership also had a great number of native american graves scraped off the location before they built.

That kinda creeps me out. I mean I realize that anywhere you live/shop/work whatever probably had SOMETHING buried under it at some point, but its not like, huge piles of human bones.  Ugh.
sgip said:
Harbor Cove in NPB was a mass grave.

I can't find any quick links, but I recall that the Fletcher Jones MBZ dealership also had a great number of native american graves scraped off the location before they built.

That's a very informative article. It fills in a lot of the questions I had on how The Irvine Co. and other developers are able to proceed with development on historical sites and sacred grounds. It's interesting how they self-appoint an Indian monitor to pay off. A memorable part of that article, besides the remains at Harbor Cove being removed with a backhoe instead of by hand as law dictates it should be... and the TCA bulldozing "California's Stonehenge" Native American observatory cave, was the section about how the remains from various OC locations had been relocated to Pahne, then TCA planned to build the toll road through it, when Pahne was already the N.A.'s "Plan B".