"many fossils have been found within the IBC boundaries during City-required
paleontological monitoring (Figure 7). Those associated with IBC residential projects include
herbivores, carnivores, rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles and amphibians (Table 2) (Commendador-
Dugeon et al 2006a & 2006b, DeBusk and Seckel 2007, DeBusk 2008, Gust and Scott 2009,
Lander 2008, Michalsky and Sample 2002, Scott and Gust 2008, Smith 2009). The herbivores
include mammoth, mastodon, giant ground sloth, bison, camel, llama, horse, tapir, peccary, deer,
pronghorn and dwarf pronghorn. The carnivores include bear, sabertoothed cat, jaguar, bobcat,
dire wolf, coyote, gray fox, raccoon, weasel, badger, skunk and sea otter. Birds known are
turkey vulture and duck. The smaller animals include many types of rabbits, rats, mice, gophers,
woodrats, moles, shrews, lizards, snakes and salamanders."
paleontological monitoring (Figure 7). Those associated with IBC residential projects include
herbivores, carnivores, rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles and amphibians (Table 2) (Commendador-
Dugeon et al 2006a & 2006b, DeBusk and Seckel 2007, DeBusk 2008, Gust and Scott 2009,
Lander 2008, Michalsky and Sample 2002, Scott and Gust 2008, Smith 2009). The herbivores
include mammoth, mastodon, giant ground sloth, bison, camel, llama, horse, tapir, peccary, deer,
pronghorn and dwarf pronghorn. The carnivores include bear, sabertoothed cat, jaguar, bobcat,
dire wolf, coyote, gray fox, raccoon, weasel, badger, skunk and sea otter. Birds known are
turkey vulture and duck. The smaller animals include many types of rabbits, rats, mice, gophers,
woodrats, moles, shrews, lizards, snakes and salamanders."