I want my Money back...

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....It's NOT supposed to get this cold in California is it?

If so, I've been duped, I want my money back sir!!

Does it always get this cold in Irvine?
Hahaha. Peter, blame it on global warming. I know it was never this cold when I was a kid. Earlier this evening, I saw on the weather channel that Corona is 28 degrees F. ...OUch!
<p>Baloney, it has always got this cold. Los Angeles get's snow every 10 years. :-) <a href="http://www.laalmanac.com/weather/we17.htm">http://www.laalmanac.com/weather/we17.htm</a></p>

<p> </p>
<p>The weather was gorgeous yesterday, on the space coast, but today is very windy, with a nearly tornado watch. Luckily Florida tornadoes are usually pretty wimpy. (Unless they are embedded in a hurricane of course.) Windows are open wind is whooshing. I like it.</p>

<p>Don't want my money back. There's a freeze warning on the other side of the state. If it doesn't last too long, it makes the oranges sweeter.</p>
I had to go to Ohio for ten days to do product training. I'm still here till Wednesday. A home that is a million bucks in Irvine is about $220K here.

Get me out of here. If they gave me a place for free in Ohio, the price is still too high. The folks here are nice enough, but the winters suck and I hear the summers are like living on the face of the sun. Hopefully I'll be thawed out by Christmas.

I'm looking out the window of my hotel at 28 degrees, snow flurries, and 30 MPH winds.

All you OC types quit complaining.
<p>no vaseline,</p>

<p>That reminds me. During a flight to Houston TX. We made a stop over in Denver CO. And you know that contraption, I guess you can call it the bridge, where it connects the airplane door to the terminal. Anyways, there was a slight crack and you can feel the freaking bone chilling gust of air.</p>

<p>Once we landed in Houston, it rained then a minute later it was sunny. You felt like you're in a sauna because the rain drops evaporated from the asphalt. Eww. Let me tell you after that experience. I really appreciated the weather in Southern Cali.</p>