ps9 said:
I just got my "Property Value Notice". Percentage change from last year is 0.454%. Nice to be actually in a house that benefits from Prop 13.
Got the same percent increase as well.
I had assumed the taxes on my house would always go up 2% since the assessed value it's based on is more than a million less than what it would sell for but it looks like it's capped at 2% and the only way it gets to that is if the CPI is 2% which imo is a stupid thing to base it on since obviously houses don't follow that inflation rate and the CPI imo is under estimating real inflation that we pay.
All the more reason to hang onto my house.
Now if inflation spirals out of control, I don't suppose there is a way for the government to come in capture the years in which I didn't get dinged for a 2% increase is there?