To answer the question posed at the title subject: It depends on the lender you're working with. Many are good, many are bad, and a few are extraordinary. I've found that some/most of the best that I've worked with
Things you should require from your lender realtor any relationship:
1. Open Communication - whether that be by face-to-face, text, email, phone... both parties should be available (within reason) to get concerns addressed. It is still pretty tough to read people's minds, no matter how much experience you have.
2. Tell the truth - good, bad or ugly, ask and answer the hard questions. This goes hand in hand with #1, but is important in and of itself. Very often in trying to be "polite" important details are missed or glossed over.
3. Treat each other with respect - recognize that you're working together towards the same goal. If you're treating someone merely as a means to an end, you're selling yourself short and missing an opportunity to have someone go well-above what "the minimum" effort might be.
If you're not getting this type of service, you should call SGIP. #shouldvegonewithjohn