For purchases transactions it's 30% equity, not 25.
If your buying another home, renting your departure residence, and have 30% equity, verified by either an Automated Value Model (AVM) or an appraisal, a valid lease, verified by an appraiser to be at a market rental rate, plus a deposit check for the rental of the property deposited into your account, the rental income for the departure residence can be used as qualifying income. Some lender's guidelines ask for 6 months PITI HOA in cash reserves. Other's won't use the income at all if you've never been a property manager.
If it's a refinance transaction, you don't have to have equity in the property. If the rental income is "new" - not reported on your returns - X number of cancelled checks and a 25% vacancy/expense deduction is used. ($1,000 rent x .75 = $750 effective rent)
If it's pre-existing rent (purchase OR refinance transaction) the data from the tax return is used to net down to effective qualifying income.
My .02c
Soylent Green Is People.