<p>Who is the tax document, now I forget the number, that shows how much interest was paid, going to? I suppose it is going to the foreclosee's name? Is is going to the house address? Where do the payment coupons and escrow analysis go?</p>
<p>You don't want to stick up your neck too far, because I presume the first has the due on sale clause. Not that I think lenders are going to be at all interested in enforcing a due on sales clause in today's environment. </p>
<p>Thing is the bank has the social security no of the former owner and hell will freeze over before thay change it.</p>
<p>Where is awgee when you need him?</p>
<p>Should you refi? By gosh, with the new raised conforming limits, maybe you should. How high is the interest rate? Is it due to reset any time soon.</p>
<p>Hmmm, did you get a copy of the note and mtg of the first when you did the second? You should get that, so you know where you stand. The mtg will be recorded, don't know how you can get ahold of the note. Maybe the title company? They might not because of privacy issues. </p>
<p>As usual with lawyers, more questions than answers.</p>
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