Here is some food for thoughts.
Where are we now?
It?s important to remember that the Great Recession was not caused by an unexpected event. To those who study the real estate cycle, the crash happened precisely on schedule. It was painful, but it inaugurated the next iteration of the real estate cycle.
As 2014 begins (eight years after the peak and six years after the crash), real estate markets across the country are transitioning from the recovery phase to the expansion phase. Nationally, Mueller?s estimate of the relative position of each asset class is as follows:
This graphic shows the national real estate property type cycle locations
For many cities and asset classes the expansion phase is well under way. According to Glen Mueller, Boston, New York, Denver, and San Francisco, for example, are already experiencing incredibly tight rental markets and robust new construction in apartments.
Those who lived through the financial crisis of 2008 will (we hope) always be weary of the next major crash. If George, Harrison, and Foldvary are right, however, that won?t happen until after the next peak in 2024.
Between now and then, aside from the occasional slow down, the real estate industry is likely to enjoy a long period of expansion.