Homeowner (As a teacher?)

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
Greetings! Happy New Year to all. I've been reading IHB for awhile and came across some information about teachers and home ownership, but I didn't find anything concrete.

I'm wondering if there are any state or federal programs any of you are familar with to help teachers out with first time home ownership?

Links, or info. would be greatly appreciated.


[quote author="Drew" date=1230960067]Greetings! Happy New Year to all. I've been reading IHB for awhile and came across some information about teachers and home ownership, but I didn't find anything concrete.

I'm wondering if there are any state or federal programs any of you are familar with to help teachers out with first time home ownership?

Links, or info. would be greatly appreciated.



There is the <a href="http://www.calhfa.ca.gov/homeownership/programs/ectp.htm">Extra Credit</a> program, which runs through Cal FHA... I helped my sister-in-law buy via that program. <a href="http://www.calstrs.com/Members/Home Loan Program/index.aspx">Cal-STRS </a>has a home loan program although the rates are typically higher than market... I think they discontinued their zero-down or low-down program indefinitely though. <a href="http://www.schoolsfirstfcu.org/re_purc_adj/educatormortgage_adj.asp">Schools First CU</a> has a couple of programs as well.