HELP! A 14 month old puppy needs a good home!!

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
<p>Howdy folks!</p>

<p>We were at the Irvine dog park this past saturday and a dog owner approached us because we have a 10 month old female jack russell terrier. He and his son had a 14 month old male jack russell. He told me that they were moving and were desperate to find a home for the lil' guy. They couldn't take him where they were moving and they didn't want to leave him at a shelter. They actually showed up that day with his crate and paperwork, hoping that some one would show up with another jack russell and would welcome him in. Of course we saw him and noticed the similarites to our own pup right away. We were planning on getting a "playmate" for our current pup in about 4 months. This just happens to be when we were going to be moving into a rental property with a back yard and our pup would be a year old. After 5 days, we realized that we just can't handle two jacks in an apartment. I want to keep him but the timing isn't right and it's just not feasible for us at this time</p>

<p>I have had jacks all my life, and he is a very very gentle, submissive dog. Almost too submissive, but he is getting better. He didn't get to spend much time with other dogs. He is already fast friends with our pup and they play well together. He is not the least bit "snippy" as some jacks can be, though this has much more to do with the owners themselves than the dog. He has rec'd all his shots and is fixed. He is registered and licensed as well. I am not seeking anything in return other than a guarantee he'll be looked after by a loving family. <strong>He is the one on the left.</strong> I know what it's like at the animal shelter and that is simply not an option. If you are interested please email me. </p>

<p><a href=""></a> (I can't believe this email was still available)</p>


<p>the maestro</p>

<p><img id="previewImage" style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=100); VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle" alt="" border="0" name="previewImage" galleryimg="yes" src=",255,255,255,1,0,0,0,0&limitsize=400,400&squareoutput=255,255,255" /></p>
<p>click on the link below:</p>

<p> <a href="">Linky.


<p> </p>

<p> appears the link isn't working, so copy the address and paste it in the address bar. Sorry, I'm a technical invalid</p>

<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>