Hello Polio, our old friend

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Health authorities announced Friday that polio virus has been found in New York City wastewater, a discovery that extends the known presence of the virus from the region?s northern suburbs to the nation?s largest city.?

City and state health departments offered no details of where in New York City the virus was discovered but said there were six positive samples collected in June and July. They said the finding suggests ?likely local circulation of the virus.?

I?ll just go play some Simon and Garfunkel now.
And where do you think all these eradicated diseases that are popping up are coming from? I?ll give you a hint the last part of the two word answer is aliens and not the flying saucer ones? ;D ;D >:D
morekaos said:
And where do you think all these eradicated diseases that are popping up are coming from? I?ll give you a hint the last part of the two word answer is aliens and not the flying saucer ones? ;D ;D >:D

Climate Aliens?
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
iacrenter said:
Don't worry?.sweet, sweet natural immunity.

Still have the mark on my right arm. ;D ;D >:D

Yeah... that's "natural".

That?s a vaccine that actually works ;D :D >: >:D

You have definitive proof that others don't? Stick to finance... science is beyond your skillset.

Sure, everyone I know who got a polio shot never got polio, everyone I know that got Covid shot got Covid?.tadaaa! ;D ;D >:D
No vaccine is 100% effective and adverse effects free and the Polio vaccine was developed differently and has decades of research. But no other vaccine is as ineffective and as harmful as COVID mRNA vaccines.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos again demonstrating his deficiency in science, even polio vaccines can be less than 100% effective:

Waiting for another member to talk about how it's more dangerous to get the polio vaccine...
akula1488 said:
No vaccine is 100% effective and adverse effects free and the Polio vaccine was developed differently and has decades of research. But no other vaccine is as ineffective and as harmful as COVID mRNA vaccines.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos again demonstrating his deficiency in science, even polio vaccines can be less than 100% effective:

Waiting for another member to talk about how it's more dangerous to get the polio vaccine...

Thanks for reminding me how overwhelmed the hospitals were from hundreds of thousands of people dying from mRNA vaccine complications . It's been tough, but I've somehow managed.

Even you are a really a doctor, you are just one single data point. You are not a specialist in epidemiology as well. And I think majority of doctors will choose keeping their high paying job vs being ethical and doing the right thing and lose their job.

Multiple life insurance companies are showing excessive death rate is as much as 40% higher since the mRNA vaccines mass injection vs prior years. Multiple countries are showing birthrate is dropping by double digits too.

Just like they exaggerate COVID cases by mixing up with COVID and of COVID,  they are under estimating vaccine adverse effects if they can find other underlying causes.

What if the COVID vaccines make other chronical diseases worse? It may never be known but the life insurance statistics don't lie, at least it should raise some eyebrows.

iacrenter said:
akula1488 said:
No vaccine is 100% effective and adverse effects free and the Polio vaccine was developed differently and has decades of research. But no other vaccine is as ineffective and as harmful as COVID mRNA vaccines.

irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos again demonstrating his deficiency in science, even polio vaccines can be less than 100% effective:

Waiting for another member to talk about how it's more dangerous to get the polio vaccine...

Thanks for reminding me how overwhelmed the hospitals were from hundreds of thousands of people dying from mRNA vaccine complications . It's been tough, but I've somehow managed.
