<p>The poor think looking rich means they're rich. (Actually these people are lower-middle to mid middle class). The well off to rich don't care that much what things look like, they have actual assets. </p>
<p>I heard things growing up like, "Never spend your captial" from my grandmother, who inherited a very small fortune as a young child. And always read everything before you sign.</p>
<p>An (honest) appraiser who made a whole lot of money during the Fla bubble, and now has no assets only debts, refers to me as rich! I am not rich, we have merely paid off our live-in declining asset. To him, accumulating anything is rich. I told him that after a certain rather low amount, what counts isn't what you make, it's what sticks. Well, I'm twice his age, so manybe he'll learn.</p>
<p>I saw people who having managed to purchase a house, a nice one, on huge credit, concluded that they were rich, and had to live up to the house! Weird.</p>
<p>There is a book, which might be out of print called "Class". Worth reading. The guy divides people into classes from top out of sight--people so rich, you never even see them, to bottom out of sight--so poor, they have no homes and cower in the shadows, so you never see them. If you want to, you can score your living room, to see where you fit. I e. does it have books or not? Wouldn't work for me; our books are everywhere other than the living room. Like small children or animals, I like to keep the pesky things outta there.</p>