Happy Mother's Day

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For all the IHB Moms out there...

<img src="http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0S020uMCSdIMmAAZI2jzbkF/SIG=12baaremo/EXP=1210604300/**http://www.cagle.com/news/MothersDay06/images/nease.jpg" alt="" />
<img src="http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0S020q3CidIphcBZC.jzbkF/SIG=12v8pq568/EXP=1210604599/**http://www.inkcinct.com.au/Web/CARTOONS/2006/2006-271-after-Mothers-Day.jpg" alt="" />
Ugh. Am I the only person who hates these forced days of celebration?

Days like this make me cringe. First, I'm not the materialistic type so I hate buying gifts and prefer to just spend time with people. Second, I hate the expectation/entitlement these "days" create. We work ourselves into an obligatory frenzy every month because it is always a holiday or birthday somewhere. Third, what good is a gift when the gift is being expected? I mean, wouldn't the surprise factor make the gift all more special?

I suppose these holidays are good for those who take others for granted, but it hinders what otherwise could be a truly random celebration of friends and family.
<blockquote>Ugh. Am I the only person who hates these forced days of celebration?

Days like this make me cringe. First, I?m not the materialistic type so I hate buying gifts and prefer to just spend time with people. Second, I hate the expectation/entitlement these ?days? create. We work ourselves into an obligatory frenzy every month because it is always a holiday or birthday somewhere. Third, what good is a gift when the gift is being expected? I mean, wouldn?t the surprise factor make the gift all more special?

I suppose these holidays are good for those who take others for granted, but it hinders what otherwise could be a truly random celebration of friends and family. </blockquote>
I totally agree. My husband and I never buy each other presents when "we are supposed to" like birthdays, Christmas or whatever. We just buy something when we think it's special for that person and give it to them whenever. I think those are the best presents. We get them because we want to get them for each other and not because we "have" to get them. My mother and I started doing the same. It's fun to get a present just out of the blue.

But, I still wish all the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day. Mothers work so hard each and every day.