H1N1 vaccine available...

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I drove past Walgreen's in the Woodbury Town Center 30 minutes ago and saw a sign on the corner that they do have the H1N1 vaccine in right now. I had completely forgotten about H1N1 until I saw the sign.
Wow! That's surprising. Thanks for the update, SoCal. I thought the vaccine was still scarce since I haven't been reading much about vaccine availability lately. Or maybe H1N1 just isn't the trendy news story it once was. It's all about Tiger Woods these days!
The county is offering them to all target groups (kids 2-18 included). You need to call them for an appointment if you are in one of the groups. It seems that they should be available to all within about 1 month (as the whole thing dies down, of course). If anyone is very concerned and not in a target group, PM me for more info on how to get it.

Living in southern california, you have an extreme probability of having already been exposed to this virus by now (more likely than not over a few months ago) and you are wasting your time.
[quote author="SoCal78"]I drove past Walgreen's in the Woodbury Town Center 30 minutes ago and saw a sign on the corner that they do have the H1N1 vaccine in right now. I had completely forgotten about H1N1 until I saw the sign.[/quote]
I got my H1N1 vaccine this weekend at Walgreens.
Thanks SoCal.
Just in case you never saw that thread on the IHB, I believe my whole family contracted H1N1, it was a tough week... but we are all fine. The person I knew who has been in the hospital is recovering and should make it back shortly.

Just make sure that you take care of yourself really well if you get any sort of flu... better safe than sorry (and despite Mojo's post... flu shots are recommended).
In case anyone is interested, the county is now offering H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines free to anyone who wants one (no more target groups). You can call 800-564-8448 to make an appointment.