GW's 2009 forecast.... with refreshing non-Kool Aid content.

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Surprising, but the 2009 Gary Watt's forecast has some reality based reporting for once. This was given out recently to area Realtors. The best parts below:

"The current increase in foreclosures is beginning to look very similar to what occurred in early 2007....."

"Although the low-end of the market is fairly strong, in the past they took their equity and "moved-up" to the next pricing tier. These sellers are leaving their homes with nothing and therefore the next pricing tier (over $500,000) has no support coming"

"Pent-up demand will soon wane, investor purchases will begin to decline and inventory will grow. This will put a new round of pressure on an already price-declined market. To add to the housing woes, the Treasury is issuing a lot of money. The market is beginning to wonder who is going to buy all these notes and bonds. This will force interest rates upwards, putting more pressure on our already weak housing market."

One might wonder if the short sales GW has experienced have blessed him with a better idea finally about what is really going on, and not hyping the usual 'Tard speak Agents want to hear.

This must have been an awkward presentation today.

My .02c

Soylent Green Is People.
Link to PDF File:

<a href="">Gary Watts 2009 Economic Outlook</a>

He does get part of it right. Check out his commentary on page 8.