Google Tech: Nexus 6, Nexus Player (TV), Nexus 9 Tablet and Android 5.0/Lollipop

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I have been waiting for a Nexus phone for Verizon for too long; this one seems to meet all of my requirements.
  • made by an American company (soon to be Chinese though)
  • no bloatware, pure OS
  • man size screen
  • Verizon network

At $650, the 32 GB model is $100 cheaper than IPhone 6+ 16 GB model. I don't buy Apple products any way because I am getting/using them for free.  I am only looking at off-contract price because my data plan is unlimited.

It looks like I will pre-order this one
The good thing is that the carriers will subsidize the NexPhone 6 (I don't think they've done that in the past) and will be on all US carriers... rumors are it could be as low as $49 on a 2-year contract.
previous Nexus 5 phone off contract price is only $350 and it had good enough spec against some top tier phones. It is just not on Verizon network. Again I am only interested in off contract price because my data plan is unlimited and much cheaper than the current offering. don't want to lose it by signing a new contract or get subsidies.
Yep... this is what Google should have done in the first place and put their phone on all networks instead of trying to pull an Apple and put it only on one or two carriers.

If they keep this up, maybe they can catch up to Sammy to be the premiere phone for Android.
I don't buy Sammy phones because the industry knowledge is that Sammy cuts corners in order to meet their insane product cycles or to include the latest technology. On the other hand, Apple is top notch in this regard.
Had good luck with my Sammy product (SIII, still works great...). I read that Lollipop is 64bit but the Nexus won't come with a capable chipset until mid 2015. Had considered the Google phone, but without the stylus - another key feature IMHO, I'm going to stick with a Note 4 instead.