Frugality is the hot new trend

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Per this article (linked below), frugality is the hot new trend. What are all of you doing to cut back? Myself I have been putting off car errands until I finally get one I can't put off. Then I can pool it with all the other errands that happen to be in the same area/route. Also, been trying to do close errands on foot or bike. Got my gas bill down to less than $20 a week. Also, hurray, the 59 cent chicken is back at Albertson's this week, and $1.49/lb ground beef (Thurs afternoon only) so I can stock up the freezer again.

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I decided to lower my cable costs. I did not need HBO etc. Also, I got rid of LA Fitness since I have a gym where I live. We also got rid of DSL since we have a cable modem in the house. I also got rid of additional phone line. I have no income change or have a home issue since I rent. I agree it is trendy right now to cut back.
I am planning to cancel my Cable. The other day cox went down for a half an hour and I realized how peaceful and quiet it can be without Cable TV. I might just go with bunny ears for awhile. I also scaled back driving unecessarily to places I don't need to go. In being frugal as well as being green, I am trying to cut back on electricity bills as well.
I browsed through a book titled "The Complete Tightwad Gazette" by Amy Dacyczyn a while back. Very interesting ideas.

Also try "Living Well on a Shoestring" from Yankee Magazine publishing.
This website has some <a href="">fun tips.</a>

For example:

Tip #59, Shower together!

<img src="" alt="" />
I am pulling apart my two-ply toilet paper. It goes twice as far. I am also rinsing and reusing my dental floss.

Seriously though, I am not eating out as much, I have not debts which means no debt service, and I have stopped buying junk I don't need -- not that I ever bought much junk to begin with.
I guess i'm the big loser of the bunch. I just cut back on running the mush-stang as much, I am also down to one less a week in ballroom dancing (instead of the 2-3 a week).

good luck

Using more coupons and buying sale items at the grocery store; the savings really add up. Cooking more and not eating out as much. Tuna fish instead of sushi :-S
I didn't realize there is a California Redemption Value (CRV) on water bottles. We've always recycled plastic, but now we will return them to a <a href="">Beverage Container Reycling Center</a> for the cash back.
CalGal - California rolls are extremely cheap if you make them yourself with the artificial crab stuff. Get yourself some directions.
<blockquote>CalGal - California rolls are extremely cheap if you make them yourself with the artificial crab stuff. Get yourself some directions. </blockquote>
Thanks - I'll have to try them. Although hubby has expensive taste in sushi. He likes the eel, tuna, yellowfin, etc. He now only buys sushi when he can expense it at a company dinner meeting.
<blockquote>I?ve been returning cans for awhile. I used to be the only one there, but now I usually have to wait awhile.</blockquote>
I knew we could return soda cans for cash back; but I didn't realize the non-carbonated water also has the CRV. So, we'l be returning the cans and water bottles. :)
We don't eat out as much, but cooking at home is sooo much healthier than eating out. If you ever read the nutritional information on restaurant menus (from those that provide them), it's almost scary the amount caloric, fat, and cholesterol in each entre. We had a lunch meeting where we ordered from PF Changs, I went online and they have nutritional information links after each entre.

When we do eat out, it's usually on Tuesdays, where a number of places have "kids eat free" nights like at Ruby's, Pomodoro, etc. Definitely helps save $10 off for 2 kids meals.
we find all sorts of nifty stuff in the trash cans at shady canyon golf club. after sunday brunch is my favorite time for scavenging. the clubhouse makes a dungeness crab benedict to die for. we can usually find nearly intact ones.
Cutting coupons, not going out to eat as much, pooling errands together to cut down on gas consumption, hounding my roomies to turn off the lights when they aren't using a room, etc. Yay frugality!
Rob, here's the <a href="">California Redemption Center </a> website. You can insert your zipcode for the closest Redemption Center.
Why save when you can spend ! ;) This is a parody of the commercials.

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We were eating out less for a while, but have regressed.

On my long trek to Miami, I am going 74 miles an hour, instead of 79.999. The cops

get you at 80. Troop, you didn't read this.

Actually, since the insurance companies relented a lot on the price of house

insurance, and the house is paid off, we have a significant amount of additional

money to spend. The stores are empty. We have been able to pay the credit

cards pretty much in full each month.

We finally replaced our old tvs-- 3 of them--and I bought some new clothes.

Have bought lots of plants and books.

I believe in being counter cyclical!! The lawyerliz fambly will be responsible for

lifting the entire country out of recession!!

We really ought to put some money away to update the house, but since it is

now a bad house and depreciating, we are punishing it and not updating it.

Slightly shabby is good!!