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<a href="">Mortgage Delinquencies and Foreclosures</a>

<a href="">MBA Forecasts Foreclosures to Peak in 2011</a>

"The problem is moving to prime loans, including fixed rate prime loans, and also FHA loans. "We are seeing the first hit on the weaker prime fixed borrowers."

"Brinkmann expects foreclosures to possibly peak in 2011 (last quarter he said late 2010). He changed the forecast for two reasons: he expects unemployment to stay fairly high, and he thinks the prime borrowers will hang on before defaulting, and all the foreclosure moratoria will delay foreclosures - a longer trailing effect than usual."

"Although the increases have slowed, about 40% of subprime loans are delinquent or in foreclosure. "

You should go take a look at the graphs, they really show the 90-day lates. I don't care what you call it, just be aware it's there.

"Clearly most of the increase was in the 90 day and in foreclosure buckets. And that is why the modification programs are so important."